Happiness is a Choice No Matter Your Age

John Leland joins us today to talk about a very compelling idea: Happiness is a choice. Apparently it doesn’t matter how old you are either. In John’s book, Happiness Is a Choice You Make: Lessons from a Year among the Oldest Old, John bears witness to people making the choice for happiness over and over […]
High Performance vs High Achievement

Krys Pappius says, “We all have a purpose and I believe that purpose is to share our unique gifts with the world for the betterment of all.” Join Ed and Krys to compare Performance and Achievement and learn why their difference is important for you. You can also find out how she does her magic. […]
Find Help Here to Tell Your Story!

Mila Johansen is a professional speaker, writer, published author, and teacher. She is the author of twenty-two plays and musicals, ten screenplays, an historical novel, and biography of her famous, suffragette grandmother, Jesse Haver Butler. As a screenwriter and biographer Mila truly knows how to write a story. I thought she might be a great […]
When Can Elderly Parents Move in with Their Kids?

I recently answered an interesting question: What are people’s opinions on elderly parents moving in permanently with their children after retirement rather than moving into a facility where other seniors reside? Depends on how old these “elderly” parents are and how much care they need and how much care the children can provide. Can the […]
Regain a Life With Curiosity and Play

Nancy Schwartz is the Founder and Principal of Envision Healthy Retirement. She spent her career in corporate leadership roles. Now she is dedicated to helping her client’s success and growth as they transform into a life they envision and own. Should her next client be you? Did you spend 40 years invested in corporate management? […]
Find the Twists and Turns of Your Past

Join Ed as he and the Rev. Dr. Carol Cavin-Dillon explore how their families encounter their history. Listen to some interesting tales that go back to the Civil War and forward to today. Find out just how Carol’s family and Ed’s family have cherished the memories that make up the tapestry of their lives.
Your Parents Are Getting Older: It Is Time to Talk

I answered an interesting question a while back: How do you tell your parents that they are getting old and need care for their age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, etc.? You might start by saying, “I’m concerned.” This is not about money. This is not about how you may have yelled at each other at […]
Do you know how to age with attitude?

I’ve often ended a presentation with the following thoughts: I’m going to go out kicking and screaming even if I can’t kick and scream any more. Why do I say that? Because I believe an edge of defiance is needed to meet the challenges of aging. In his TED talk about the 4 phases of […]
Trusted Advisor Series – Gina Stefanov on PT

Physical Therapy is often the lot of people growing older, particularly if they are active. These days you’ll be introduced to the notion of homework. Today Ed will be exploring what physical therapy homework is all about with Gina Stefanov, PT, DPT, COMT. Gina will also help us understand good pain and bad pain. Ed […]