Webinar with Ed Zinkiewicz, September 29, 2022, 6:00pm Central

Ed Zinkiewicz
My wife says, “He cares for his older ladies, so there is hope for me.” And, she has good reason to say so. From being raised in part by grandparents to singing regularly in nursing homes and taking communion to shut-ins, I spend a lot of time with older adults and understand caring.
I am also aware how hard certain events can be. I’ve watched many meet these challenges and know figuring out next steps, such as how to give up the car keys or put up with people hovering about “helping” is only the beginning. Those steps may also include leaving their home and many precious memories and keepsakes behind. As the son or daughter of older adults making these transitions, how would you go about helping with them? This is your chance to think through some of the options.
Please join me. Build your strategy to fill this transition with hope and not worry!
Ed Zinkiewicz
Your Aging-in-Place Strategist